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Showing posts from July, 2024
  THE LABORATORY: The Laboratory is where ideas are turned into reality; training is demystified and explored through a whole new perspective. At The Laboratory, we turn the impossible into possibility. We go beyond theory into practical. Our training goes beyond the classroom, it is hands-on.  In the laboratory, the participants, or learners as we fondly call them, are empowered to explore ideas, apply them, and make connections to their everyday work and life. At the laboratory, we employ the 40:60 approach wherein our faculty facilitates the training and not lectures in the training. Our philosophy at The Laboratory is to Create, Connect, and Innovate (CCI). Create: The participants create their own learning as the facilitator guides them. Connect: During the training, the participants can connect what they are learning with their job roles and responsibilities in their organization as well as in their personal lives. Innovate: The participants are empowered to inno...